تنزيل العرض التّقديمي
العرض التّقديمي يتمّ تحميله. الرّجاء الانتظار
Lecture 14: Kingdoms of Living Organisms
Second: Kingdom of Protista مملكة الطلائعيات In the five kingdoms of classification, eukaryotes were distributed among four kingdoms: Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Protists are eukaryotes and thus are much more complex than the prokaryotes. Most of the known Protists are unicellular, but some are colonial مستعمرات and others multi-cellular. Many Protists form resistant cells خلايا مقاومة (cysts)حوصلة that can survive in harsh conditions. Eukaryotes 1 2 3 Prokaryotes
Characters of Protists
1) Nutrition: Some Protists are photoautotrophs ذاتي التغذي الضوئي with chloroplasts, heterotrophs or mixotrophs خليط التغذية. 2) Movement: Most Protists move with flagella or cilia during some time in their life cycles. 3) Reproductio : Mitosis occurs in almost all Protists. Some Protists are asexualلاجنسياً
Examples of Protists 1- Euglena Systematic Position
Kingdom: Protista الطلائعيات Subkingdom: Protozoa تحت مملكة الأوليات Phylum: Mastigophoraشعبة السوطيات Euglena sp. Can use chloroplasts to undergo photosynthesis التمثيل الضوئيif light is available or live as a heterotroph by absorbing organic nutrients (food) امتصاص المغذياتfrom the environment. Reproduce asexually by “binary fission”. Sometimes form resistant cellsالخلايا المقاومة (cysts) that can survive in harsh conditions.
Euglena سوط مستشعر ضوئي بقعة عينية فجوة منقبضة النواة بلاستيدة خضراء
حبيبات النواة الغشاء البلازمي أشرطة بروتينية بقعة عينية
2- Trypanosoma Systematic Position: Kingdom:Protista
Subkingdom: Protozoa Phylum: Mastigophora Trypanosoma sp. It is pathogenic parasite. Causes African sleeping sickness مرض النوم الأفريقي
3- Plasmodium Systematic Position: Kingdom:Protista
Subkingdom: Protozoa Phylum: Sporozoa (Apicomplexa) شعبة البوغيات Plasmodium sp Plasmodium, the parasite that causes malaria, spends part of its life in mosquitoes and part in humans.
الحويصلات الجرثومية الحويصلات البيضية
الطور المعدي الحويصلات الجرثومية الحويصلات البيضية
4- Paramecium Systematic Position: Kingdom: Protista
Subkingdom: Protozoa Phylum: Ciliophoraشعبة الهدبيات Paramecium sp The Ciliophora (ciliates) is named for their use of cilia to move and feed. Most ciliates live in freshwater. Paramecium: has cilia along the oral grooveالميزاب الفمي draw in foodيبلع الغذاء by phagocytosisالبلعمة, and oust accumulated waterالمياة المتراكمة from the contractile vacuoleالفجوة المنقبضة .
Paramecium has two types of nuclei, a large macronucleus and a tiny micronucleus.
Paramecium generally reproduce asexually by binary fission of the macronucleus, rather than mitotic division. The micronucleus is required for sexual processes that generate genetic variation. الأهداب الفجوة الغذائية الميزاب الفمي النواة الصغيرة النواة الكبيرة الفجوة المنقبضة
5- Amoeba الأميبا Systematic Position: Kingdom: Protista
Subkingdom: Protozoa Phylum: Sarcodinaشعبة اللحميات Amoeba sp Amoebas are all unicellular and use pseudopodia الأقدام الكاذبة to move and to feed. Amoeboid movementالحركة الأميبية occurs by changes in microtubules and microfilaments in the cytoskeleton.
Pseudopodia activity is directed toward food.
Amoebas inhabit freshwater, marine environments and soils Most species are free-living heterotrophs. Some are important parasites. These include Entamoeba histolytica which causes amoeboid dysenteryمرض الدوسنتاريا in humans. These organisms spread by contaminated drinking water, food, and eating utensils.
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