تنزيل العرض التّقديمي
العرض التّقديمي يتمّ تحميله. الرّجاء الانتظار
eLanguages Creative collaboration for teachers globally
التعاون المبدع للمعلمين عالمياً eLanguages presenation July 2006
From our own correspondent
The second example: From our own correspondent. This example demonstrates good use of video and audio in international project. The news clips are sources from the BBC archive website. Students find an appropriate digital video clip which highlights a national or international event. Students take the role of a journalist and add their own narration over the video clip. This project allows the students to combine the creativity of digital video editing with audio files. The use of langauges is at heart of the project with technology making it all fun! Project Stages 1. The story In the first stage of the project, students will find a video clip which reports on a news story. 2. The research Here students will carry out research to find more details about the story. This can be done using the internet (some useful sites listed below) or other library sources. 3. Composing a script Students compose a script of the narration which will be added to the video clip. Once the script has been completed, blank out key words which their partner school will need to complete once they hear and watch the video clip. 4. Filing the report In this stage, students make digital sound recordings which they have planned to go with the video. For this part, students could use MP3 recorders and audio editing software (e.g.audacity). 5. Making the news In this final stage, each partner school will have completed the video with their own narration superimposed and also submit a completed script. open example
What is eLanguages? ما هو برنامج اللغات المتعددة ؟
مجاني الاستعمال متعدد اللغات (بنغالي - تاميلي –أوردو- بنجابي- ياباني إيطالي- بولندي –برتغالي- برازيلي- برتغالي -عربي روسي- صيني -ألماني –فرنسي- إسباني- إنجليزي، هندي) يُمكّنُ المعلمونُ من تصميم أَو استخدام مشاريعَ أساسهاَ مصادرَ تعاونيةَ يتاح ُلكُلّ مشروع مساحة 100ْ ميغابايت No notes for this slide أداة تعاونية عالمية على الإنترنت للمعلمين ، طوّرَ بالمجلسِ البريطانيِ وRages المحدودة لقسمِ للتعليمِ والمهاراتِ
project / resource categories تصنيفات المشروعات\ المصادر
structured projects بناء المشروعات multiple languages اللغات المتعددة clear layout تصميم واضح Showing some eLanguages features homepage, please point audience to the categories and to the model projects language versions: All the informative pages, system pages, help and navigation are available in 18 different language versions Structure project pages. Project page with five defined stages. Each project has the same layout making it easier for visitors to understand and more likely to re-use a project Hello page, a tool for each member to introduce her/himself, their school, their class and their town to the world Project categories. All resources and projects within the system belong to a project category project / resource categories تصنيفات المشروعات\ المصادر hello pages صفحة الترحيب
What are the benefits? ما الفوائد ؟
المدرسTeacher الطلاب Students… Collaborate and create school links Access and use authentic resources Involve their students Feel confident and in control Present their work to the world Learn from authentic resources Connect with and learn from peers Become global citizens International dimensionsابعاد دولية Student-centred learning تعليم متمركز علي الطالب Professional development تطوير متخصص Cultural awareness وعي ثقافي Language skills مهارات لغوية ICT skills مهارات تكنولوجية What are the benefits This slide lists the benefits for students, teachers and government. Through eLanguages students can present their work to the world. They can learn from authentic resources created by peers around the world They can connect with peers and learn from peers in the process Through their experiences they are more aware of how others face the same challenges (environment) but communicate and live in different circumstances (culture, languages) The students learn to understand the importance and benefit of being able to understand different cultures. eLanguages encourages students to improve their ICT skills and learn how to create media-rich resources Teachers benefit from eLanguages. They can improve their skills by collaborating with and learning from colleagues around the world They have access to authentic resources which they can modify or re-use during their classes. They can involve their students. Students are very motivated to create resources for peers and assess resources from peers They remain in control, the teachers decide how and when to involve the students, the system provides easy administration tools to moderate the work delivered by students.
Why use eLanguages for school linking
It is a site specifically designed for school use Only verified teachers are allowed to have an account for creating and editing pages As the account holders are trusted, they are given a higher level of admin rights than similar sites Teachers are able to ensure that the site is 100% safe for students to use أنه موقع صمّمَ بشكل مُحدّد لاستعمال المدرسةِ المعلمون المُحَقَّقون فقط مَسْمُوح لهم ان يَكُونَ لدَيهُمْ حسابُ لخَلْق وتَحرير الصفحاتِ كأصحاب الحساب مُؤْتَمنون، فهم مُعطون مستوي أعلى مِنْ حقوقِ الإدارةِ مِنْ المواقعِ المماثلةِ المعلمون قادرون على التأكد من ان الموقعِ أمن للطلابِ للاستعمال بنسبة 100 % No notes
Why use eLanguages for school linking
The site has a wide variety of tools under one roof, rather than having to learn the environments of a number of sites that only have one or two useful tools It has an effective search tool enabling teachers and students to quickly find the resource they need rather than drilling down a number of links Most significantly the site’s navigation tools and wizards are translated into the user’s native language making training much simpler الموقع به انواع مختلفة مِنْ الأدواتِ تحت سقفِ واحد، فبدلاً مِنْ الاتجاه لتَعَلّم بيئاتِ عدد مِنْ المواقعِ حيث يمتلك احداها اداة او أداتان مفيدتانُ لَهُ أداةُ بحثِ فعّالةِ تُمكّنُ المعلمين والطلابَ من إيجاد المصدرِ الذي يَحتاجونَه بسرعة بدلاً مِنْ الابحاروالبحث أسفل عدد مِنْ الصلاتِ معظم أدوات ومعالجاتِ الموقعَ مترجمة إلى لغة المستخدم الأصليةِ لجعل التدريب أسهلَ كثيراًَ No notes
How does it work? كيف يعمل ؟
المعلمـ (ة) كيف يمكنني أن أجعل أنشطة طلابي عالمية؟ الصف 3 join a project الالتحاق بالمشروع 2 start your own project ابدأ مشروعك الخاص 1 re-use existing resources اعد استخدام المصادر المتاحة collaborate on resources globally تعاون في المصادر عالميا share your resources globally شارك مصادرك عالميا learn from other teachers globally تعلم من المدرسين الآخرين Visitors or members can either use eLangauges as a source of resources or they can find a partner and start their own project and add their own resources
Browse or re-use resources تجوّلْ أَو أعد استعمال المصادرَ
1 على سبيل المثال المصادرِ الإسبانيةِ، عروض، ملفات سمعية، ملفات نَصِّ … العضويةَ غير مطلوبةُ
Start your own project أبدأ مشروعك الخاص
2 … create your own project idea and – when you are ready – invite others to join your project … اخْلقُ فكرةَ مشروعِكِ الخاصةِ ومتى كنت مستعدّاً- ادْعو الآخرين للإِنْضِمام إلى مشروعِكَ
Join existing projects الارتباط بمشروع متواجد من قبل
3 … find an interesting project, and join the project to create a school link and collaborate with a partner … أوجِدُ مشروعاً مثيراً، و اَنضمُّ إلى المشروعِ لخَلْق ارتباط للمدرسةِ والتعاونُ مَع شريك اخر
User feedback التغذية الراجعة للمستخدم
“It’s brilliant. I’ve been looking for a set of web tools for school links for the last two years. Even better, the instructions on how to use it are in the native language of the user. This means that the schools in Ariège I am currently working with will easily be able to put up pages with a minimum of training.” Alex Savage, Advanced Skills Teacher, Norfolk “ أنه لرائعُ. أنى كنت أَبْحثُ عن مجموعة من أدواتِ الويبِ لوصلاتِ المدرسة طوال السنتين الماضيتين. التعليمات الدالة على كَيفَية الاَستعمالُ تعد بنفس اللغة الأصليةِ للمستخدم وهذا يَعْني بأنّ المَدارِسَ في Ariege ,والتي أَعْملُ حالياً مَعها بسهولة سَتكُونُ قادرة على رَفْع الصفحاتِ مَع حَدّ أدنى مِنْ التدريب. ” Alex Savage, Advanced Skills Teacher, Norfolk
Yacoub Al-Slaise معلّم مدرّبِ، البحرين
While giving these eLanguages workshops, I found that teachers were very enthusiastic about using eLanguages because it is so easy to use and gives so much freedom to create attractive project pages and uploading learning resources online without any knowledge of programmes. I also found that teachers started creating new projects straight after completing the workshops, including two teachers from my very first group (Widjan Hamad and Fiddah Nasser), won the New eLanguages Project of the Month award for December 2006. Yacoub Al-Slaise, Teacher Trainer , Bahrain بعد الانتهاء من ورش عمل eLanguages وَجدتُ ان المعلمين كَانوا متحمسون جداً حول استعمال eLanguages لأنه من السّهلِ إسْتِعْماله وإعطاءه لذا توجد حرية كبيرة لإنْشاء صفحاتِ المشروعِ الجذّابةِ وإرسال مصادره على الإنترنت بدون الحاجة الي أيّ معرفة بالبرامجِ. أنا أيضاً وَجدتُ ان المعلمين بدءوا بانشاء المشاريعِ الجديدةِ مباشرة بعد إكْمال الورش، بتضمن ذلك المعلّمين مِنْ مجموعتِي الأولى ) حماد و ناصر)، رَبحَا جائزةِ eLanguages الجديد مشروع الشهرَ لديسمبر/كانون الأولِ eLanguages الجديد مشروع 2006. Yacoub Al-Slaise معلّم مدرّبِ، البحرين
“Through my studies I have come across a large number of platforms recently and what I have learned about eLanguages in the workshop makes it the best online platform I have seen so far.” Sabine Huber, Munich Germany about to complete her doctoral dissertation on the use of eLearning in English Language Teaching “ خلال دِراساتِي مررت علي عدد كبير مِنْ البرامج , مؤخراً والذي تَعلّمته حول برنامج eLanguages في ورشةِ العمل يَجْعلُه أفضل برنامج على الإنترنتِ رَأيتُه حتى الآن. ” Sabine Huber ميونخ ألمانيا أَوْشَكَت أَنْ تُكملَ أطروحة دكتوراتها على استعمال eLearning في تعليم اللغةِ الإنجليزيِة
“The eLanguages workshops were absolutely stunning
“The eLanguages workshops were absolutely stunning. They certainly exceeded all my expectations. I had hoped to enjoy the visit but it has gone far beyond that. It has given me enthusiasm and I can’t wait to continue and do more projects.” Mary Rick, Class Teacher Bonington Junior School “ ورشات eLanguages كَانتْ مذهلة جداً. بالتأكيد لقد تَجاوزوا كُلّ توقّعاتي. تَمنّيتُ مجرد التَمَتُّع بالزيارةَ لَكنَّه ذَهبَ بعيداً ما بعد تلك المرحلة. أعطاَني حماسَ وأنا لا أَستطيعُ الانتظار حتى يمكنني الاستمرار والَعمَلُ بمشاريعُ أكثرُ. ” ماري ريك، معلّمة بمدرسة أطفال
عروض تقديميّة مشابهة
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