المحاضرة الرابعة التعلم التعاوني


عروض تقديميّة مشابهة
Test Design & Construction By Dr.abdul Hussein shaker Habeeb

مشروع مادة الانجليزي إعداد دبلوم الارشاد الأسري مستوى أول بنات
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المقرر الثالث اختيار العينة.
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التاريخ والحضارة المصرية القديمة The History and Civilization of Ancient Egypt المستوى الاول – ساعات معتمدة FM 116 Lecture 9 Dr. Ahmed Adel 2018.
CHAPTER ONE Real numbers  
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The Last Sunday before The Lent احد رفاع الصوم الكبير
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المحاضرة العاشرة مادة اللغة الانكليزية / المرحلة الرابعة
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Here’s some good old Chinese wisdom
Merry Christmas Merry Christmas 2014 اشتهى ان تجعلنى طفلاً بريئاً مثلك... اتكل عليك و لا أفكر في شئ يا طفل المذود... اشتهى ان تجعلنى طفلاً بريئاً
تقديم التغذية الراجعة: الاتجاهات من دول منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية ودول الخليج العربي سمية مغنوج، محلل سياسات، مديرية منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية.
صرت كبهيم عندك ... ولكني دائما معك ... (مز 73 : )
يهوذا ... يهوذا ... يا مُخالف الناموس
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المحاضرة الحادي عشر مادة اللغة الانكليزية / المرحلة الرابعة
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By the end of the lesson students will be able to
وأنا عمري 4 أعوام : أبي هو الأفضل
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
The Second Sunday of Tout الاحد الثاني من شهر توت
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المســــــــــاحة SURVEING
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The Fourth Sunday of The Lent الاحد الرابع من الصوم الكبير
تقويم البرامج المشتركة للفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الجامعي
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التحدي العالمي Love Heart الدرس ٣.
مشروع مقترح لاستخدام نظم ادارة المعرفة فى التعليم الشرطى مؤتمر الامن والتكنولوجيا بالشارقة اعداد: د. محمد نور الدين احمد تحت اشراف: مقدم: محمد راشد بيات.
Electric Flux.
كتيب المشتريات.1 Slide 1 يرجى الانتباه الى النقاط التالية عند تقديم عرض السعر خاصتكم مواعيد التسليم: شروط التسليم الواقعية تعتبرفترة التسليم ، التي تستند.
التحدي العالمي Love Heart الدرس٢.
Social Discourse Content
" الحق اقول لك انك اليوم تكون معي في الفردوس " (لو 23 : 43)
تقويم البرامج التدريبية لأعضاء الهيئة التعليمية
Topic 14: Phone conversations
احبائي الطلاب السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بسبب الاوضاع الصعبة سيتم ادراج الدروس في موقع المدرسة ارجو منكم دراسة المادة جيدا والتوجه لي عند وجود الأسئلة.
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Present Simple Tense(Test) صيغة المضارع البسيط )اختبار)
English prepositions.
نسخة العرض التّقديمي:

المحاضرة الرابعة التعلم التعاوني 15 ربيع الأول 1429 هـ

مقدمة التعليم التعاوني Cooperative Education التدريس التعاوني Cooperative Teaching ماهو التدريس التعاوني؟ لماذا التعاون يزيد من التحصيل والدافعية للتعلم. لماذا تنجح الأعمال الجماعية أكثر من الفردية؟ ماهي خصائص الشخصية السوية؟ كيف يتعامل الأقران من أجل التعلم؟

ماهو التدريس التعاوني العمل كمجموعة. التعلم من الأقران. حجم المجموعات. إيجاد جو التنافس. الإعداد الجيد. المعلم موجه.

لماذا التدريس التعاوني؟ البعد الاسلامي الدعوة للتعاون. التعاون على الخير. حب الاجتماع ونبذ التفرق. حب الجماعة ونبذ الفردية.

لماذا التدريس التعاوني؟ البعد الواقعي يستمتع ويتعلم التلاميذ من أقرانهم أكثر منه من معلمهم!. التعاون يؤدي إلى زيادة التعلم. التنافس هو السر الخفي وراء الحافز للتعلم.

لماذا التدريس التعاوني؟ البعد النفسي يرى بياجيه أن: النضج والتجارب النشطة والتقبل الاجتماعي والانضباط الشخصي... وسائل فائقة للنمو العقلي. طرد الشعور بالوحدة والعزلة الاجتماعية.

لماذا التدريس التعاوني؟ البعد الاجتماعي تنمية الشخصية الاجتماعية الفاعلة. احترام الرأي الآخر. التعارف بين التلاميذ. تنمية العمل الجماعي ومحبة العمل مع الآخرين. العلاقات الاجتماعية. وسائل فائقة للنمو العقلي.

تنظيم التدريس التعاوني تنظيم المجموعات. المجموعات الفاعلة. تنظيم التفاعل بين التلاميذ. التفاعل اللفظي والتفاعل العملي. مهارات جمع المعلومات تلخيص العمل.

حجم المجموعات المجموعات الكبيرة المجموعات الصغيرة. الأزواج. المجموعات الدائمة. المجموعات المتغيرة. المجموعات المشكلة.

بناء العمل التعاوني الأسئلة الخمسة: 1- ماذا أعرف؟ 2- ماذا أريد أن أعرف؟ 3- كيف سأتعلم، وكيف سأعمل مع الآخرين؟ 4- ماذا تعلمت؟ 5- كيف تعاونت، وماذا تعلمت مع الآخرين؟

مهارات التدريس التعاوني مهارات التحرك. مهارات الجلوس. مهارات التحدث بصوت منخفض. مهارات المشاركة والتعريف بالاهتمامات. مهارات الإيجابية نحو الآخرين. مهارات تعليم إشارات السكوت. مهارات الأسئلة العميقة. مهارات استنباط العلاقات بين الأشياء. مهارات معارضة الأفكار لا الاشخاص. مهارات توسيع الأفكار. مهارات دمج الأفكار. ؟

أدوار المعلم في التدريس التعاوني الإعداد الجيد قبل الدرس. تخطيط الدرس. جدولة العمل. إعداد الأدوات. إعداد البيئة. توزيع المجموعات. تقديم الدرس. متابعة عمل المجموعات. المراجعة الدائمة وإعطاء التعليمات. التحرك بين المجموعات. مناقشة المجموعات. تقويم عمل المجموعات والدرس. غلق الدرس.

تحليل التدريس التعاوني حديث المعلم لكل الفصل. حديث المعلم لكل مجموعة. مناقشة المعلم لكل مجموعة. حديث كل تلميذ مع المعلم. حديث التلميذ مع المجموعة. حديث التلميذ مع التلميذ. الصمت. الفوضى.

Using “The Fishbowl” to share experiences Discussion activity suitable for large groups Allows the whole group to participate in one conversation and share, listen to, and critique viewpoints and experiences Eliminates reporting back Leading Academic Development, Adele Graham (02/08) Leading Academic Development, o2/o8, Adele Graham

Fishbowl instructions Four volunteers to start the discussion “Academic Development in Saudi Arabia” (notes as prompts) Participants who are outside the fishbowl may want to contribute their experiences/views to the conversation or ask a question. They can do so by taking up the empty chair When the empty chair becomes occupied, someone already in the fishbowl must leave If you are inside the fishbowl and want to leave, you can do so by tapping-in someone outside the fishbowl to take your place CAD staff who have a question can take up the empty-chair but leave when it is addressed. No- one leaves if CAD joins. If you do not join the fishbowl, be ready to provide a summary of the discussion Leading Academic Development, o2/o8, Adele Graham Leading Academic Development, Adele Graham (02/08)

Leading Academic Development, Adele Graham (02/08) Questions about What you have just heard “The Fishbowl” activity Leading Academic Development, Adele Graham (02/08)

Leading Academic Development, 02/08/Graham Co-operative Learning in Action Sharing Learning about CAD’s Introduction to University Teaching & Learning Programme Leading Academic Development, 02/08/Graham

Using the Jigsaw method … You self-selected into “expert groups” Expert groups were given a learning task which involved participating in different workshops Expert groups now work together (9.30-10.30) New groups will be formed and experts will teach each other what they learned (10.45-11.30) There will be some check to see if the intended learning outcomes were achieved (11-30-11.45)

Expert groups: Sharing information Question by question Compare your responses, agree on salient points and examples Plan your strategy for teaching your colleagues who attended other classes (15 mins teaching including questions) Your data In relation to the topic, what might a new teacher (i) know and (ii) be able to do from attending this workshop? What teaching methods and activities did the academic developer use? How would you describe the relationship between the academic developer and the participants? Anything else that “strikes” you?

Teaching others Form into new groups to teach each other what you learned in the workshop and discussed in your expert group Follow this schedule … (15 minutes) … (15 minutes) Teacher is the time keeper If you finish in less than15 minutes, wait until you are given the signal to move onto the next topic

Learning check About the content Any “lessons” about preparing, supporting and working with new staff? Your questions Anything still unanswered?

A Close-Up Look at Co-operative Learning and the Jigsaw Method Leading Academic Development, 02/08/Graham

Co-operative learning Five elements: Clearly perceived positive interdependence (sink or swim together) Individual accountability Face-to-face interaction Individual and small group skills Group processing Students advance their own and each others’ learning

Potential outcomes… Academic benefits Skills for employment & life Increased academic achievement More academic discussion outside of the classroom Longer information retention Better higher level reasoning Better understanding of alternative viewpoints Improved critical thinking Higher motivation Skills for employment & life Improved social & communication skills Better teamwork skills Leadership practise Independent learning skills

Jigsaw is a Co-operative Learning Method. The class is divided into groups Groups are given different learning tasks and plan what needs to be done to complete the task Work is done either in or out of class New groups are formed and group members teach each other what they have learned Some check is put in place to ensure accurate understanding Read Ledlow’s article for more detail

Using Jigsaw, Example 1 Short course: 10 Activities to Get Students to Talk in Class Intended learning outcomes Participants learn how to use the Jigsaw in their own classes Participants learn different ways to get students to ask and answer questions Time frame: About 45 minutes

Jigsaw, Example 1 Step 1: Form expert groups 1. Remember the number you are given 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2. Form groups with other participants who have the same number as you v 3333 2222 1111

Jigsaw, Example 1 Step 2: Introductions and preparation 1111 If you have not already met, take turns to introduce yourself to your group Read the activity you have been given In the next 10 minutes Make sure you each understand the activity/activities that have been described Decide whether you think it would be useful to use with students at your College Come up with any suggestions for improvement 2222 3333

Jigsaw, Example 1 Step 3: Learning from each other Form into new groups (diagram) Drawing on the discussion within your last group, take turns to: Explain your activity to your new group Give your previous group’s opinion on (i) its usefulness (ii) suggestions for improvement (5 mins with questions… Adele is the timekeeper) Follow this order (i) Group 1 (ii) Group 2 (iii) Group 3 123 123 123 123

Jigsaw, Example 1 Step 4: Check on learning Five “volunteers” to finish any one of these stems… The activity that would be most useful to me… Something I have been thinking about in relation to the way I typically ask questions… I don’t think [activity] would work with my class because…. The most important learning I got from this exercise is….

Using Jigsaw, Example 2 Introduction to University Teaching 1 (New staff) Intended learning outcomes: Participants learn about campus services and resources Participants learn how to use the Jigsaw in their own classes Time frame: Several hours, across two classes

Class One, Monday … following a seminar on the Jigsaw Method

Jigsaw, Example 2 Finding out about… Student Affairs Office, particularly Student Counselling Services and Complementary Studies Programmes PolyU resources and services that aim to develop students’ learning skills (EDC, ELC, Library) Services for improving students’ English skills (ELC and ENGL) Opportunities for improving your teaching skills (EDC) There are other important resources/services to find out for yourself

Jigsaw, Example 2 Step 1: Form expert groups Form groups with other students who have a task sheet that is the same colour as yours. No more than 6 in a group.

Introduce yourselves if you have not already met Jigsaw, Example 2 Step 2: Introduce yourselves if you have not already met Read your task sheet and agree with your group members about: What needs to be done Who will do it Ask Adele or Wincy for help if you need it

Student Affairs Office: 1. Your task as a small group is to find out as much as you can about Student Counselling Services offered by SAO The Complementary Studies Programme 2. As a group, you need to now plan how you will collect the information and who will do what (e.g., WWW search, phone or visit for information, talk to experienced colleagues or? or? or?) Bring along your information tomorrow because you will need to synthesise it, then share it with other participants who are working on different services. Ask Wincy or Adele if you don’t know where to start

PolyU resources for developing students’ learning skills 1. Your task as a small group is to find out as much as you can about what resources are available across campus to help students learn to learn prevent student plagiarism improve students information literacy skills 2. As a group, you need to now plan how you will collect the information and who will do what (e.g., WWW search, phone or visit for information, talk to experienced colleagues or? or? or?) Bring along your information tomorrow because you will need to synthesise it, then share it with other participants who are working on different services. Ask Wincy or Adele if you don’t know where to start

Service for improving English skills Your task as a small group is to find out as much as you can about what help is available to students to help them improve their written and spoken English. As a group, you need to now plan how you will collect the information and who will do what (e.g., WWW search, phone or visit for information, talk to experienced colleagues or? or? or?) Bring along your information tomorrow because you will need to synthesise it, then share it with other participants who are working on different services. Ask Wincy or Adele if you don’t know where to start

Opportunities for developing your teaching skills Your task as a small group is to find out as much as you can about what help is available to develop/enhance your teaching skills and knowledge. As a group, you need to now plan how you will collect the information and who will do what (e.g., WWW search, phone or visit for information, talk to experienced colleagues or? or? or?) Bring along your information tomorrow because you will need to synthesise it, then share it with other participants who are working on different services. Ask Wincy or Adele if you don’t know where to start

Jigsaw, Example 2 gentle Reminder We start at 1pm tomorrow! (to give you time to do your homework in the morning!) Be on time. Your group needs you to complete the task. Bring your information

Process and Content Our aim is to immerse you in an “active classroom” (theory in practise) We are using the Jigsaw Method (a Co-operative Learning Activity) to learn about resources and services that support student learning and your teaching

Jigsaw, Example 2 Reviewing the “Jigsaw” using a “Round”.. Since we started on this TLA (teaching and learning activity), what skills have been required of you?

Divide class into groups Groups plan what needs to be done Jigsaw, Example 2 Steps… Divide class into groups Groups plan what needs to be done Out of class work and coming up Share and organise information in your ‘expert’ groups Share information with others in the class

Jigsaw, Example 2 Step 4: Sharing and synthesising your research Share with your expert group what you have learned from your overnight research Plan and prepare an A3 Poster (photocopies for each group member will be made) that captures your learning (1hr 15mins) (LATER, each group member will present their research/poster to another group)

Jigsaw, Example 2 Reviewing the “Jigsaw” so far… A question I have …. Something that bothers me … A skill that was demanded in Step 4…

Jigsaw, Example 2 Step 5: Teaching others Form into new groups to teach each other what you learned in your expert group Follow this schedule … (0-15) …. (15-30) Teacher is the time keeper … (30-45) …. (45-60) If you finish in less than15 minutes, wait until you are given the signal to move onto the next topic

Jigsaw, Example 2 Reviewing the “Jigsaw” Reactions to Step 5?

Jigsaw, Example 2 Step 7: Learning check Instructions: Step 1: By yourself, complete the test (there may be more than one correct answer for each question) (about 5 minutes) Step 2: Reassemble into your “expert” team, appoint a “recorder”, and compare your answers Step 3: The recorder places the team’s answers on the whiteboard once agreement is reached. Step 4: The recorder will be advised if there is an incorrect answer. In this case, teams must renegotiate answers. Resource documents can be used in second and successive attempts to “pass” the test.

Jigsaw, Example 2 Step 7: alternative Learning check About the content The most important thing you have learned about services and resources? About the process Might you use it in your own classes? If so, what topic and how might you adapt it?

About YOUR Experience and Thoughts Would you use the Jigsaw in the work that you do? Would it be suitable for your teachers to use with their students?